Funko Pop figures are a hugely popular fixture of gaming. Every new franchise—film and games alike—has their fans clamouring for figures of their favorite characters. Hugely popular characters from franchises as Star Wars and Halo are valued with exponential gains over the $8-12 price tag. The Darth Maul Hologram figure sells as high as $1,800, while Bungie’s own Master Chief can go for as high as $240.
Destiny’s Funko Pops have been long awaited, and—after being outed by Reddit users on r/Funko and r/Destinythegame—images have been released of the figures, which are aiming for an August release date.
The Destiny collection includes:
#235| Lord Shaxx
#246 | Ikora
#237 | Zavala
#239 | Xur -Gamestop exclusive
#234 | Cayde-6
#238 | Oryx
#241 | Atheon -Gamestop exclusive
#241 | Crota -Target exclusive
#241 | Crota (Flourescent) -Target exclusive
This coincides with the release of Destiny’s McFarlane figures, also released in August. Destiny 2 releases the next month.
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