Despite launching to an overall positive response, Destiny 2's thin end-game left many players wondering about the game's future content.
Bungie answered many of those questions in their panel at TwitchCon, with an impressive arsenal of new loot and a look at the Live Team's plans for future events.
Deej, introduced two members from Destiny 2's Live Team explaining that Bungie was in the process of passing the game from "the team that made Destiny 2 to the team that will sustain Destiny 2."
A member of the Live Team explained, "With Destiny 2, we have a great beginning, and it is a beginning, so you'll see more from us as we go,” before Deej offered: “"We are right now in the midst of Season 1…I'm here to tell you what will will befall you in Destiny 2.”
Here’s a quick rundown:
Each year of Destiny will have 4 separate seasons. The goal, Deej explained, was the create “a more predictable cadence.”
Each season has the following goals:
-More Predictable Cadence for Game updates
-Changing themes for the player experience
-Sandbox tuning, new features, more content
To start the second season, Guardians can celebrate The Dawning, the annual Christmas celebration. The Tower and The Farm will receive both Ice Hockey and snowball fights.

The Dawning will also have its own armor set, which looks like an evolution of the Snow Angel set from last year’s Dawning celebration, alongside Dawning shaders.

They then moved to Rituals, and Iron Banner. In particular, they described the new changes. Iron Banner gear can now be purchased directly with Iron Banner tokens. This seems like an excellent change. While tokens are perfectly fine as a replacement for vender reputation, the actual loot drops were disheartening. This fixes it.
Most interestingly, Iron Banner gear will have ornaments unlocked by accomplishments. These bounty-like accomplishments will be the only way to unlock them, so players can bask in the glory of their accomplishments with their gear. With appearance now linked to achievements, player customization now has far more meaning than it did before. Deej further explained that this would also apply to Trials gear.

Each season of Iron Banner and Trials loot will have its own distinct appearance, although it appears it will remain the same actual gear. This should keep players invested each time around.
Deej then transitioned the discussion to Faction Rallies. After a quick cheering poll, New Monarchy was declared the dominant faction of TwitchCon attendees.
Concept art of a Dead Orbit armor set was show, with the team explaining that new armor would be introduced for specific tasks. They’re gorgeous, and even more magnificent than the ones introduced. Dead Orbit and new Monarchy was met with cheering, although FWC’s was met with laughter. Deej tried to pass it off, saying the Warlock was actually his favorite, but an audience member loudly asked “Really?”

To be fair, it’s not terrible, but it isn’t quite as good as New Monarchy. Although none of the factions are as good as New Monarchy in general, so props to Bungie for canonical consistency.
They then explained a new Double-XP event called, a “Clarion Call” that will be periodically announced by Bungie.
These will debut in Season One, and allow players to earn double-XP in activities. These will also earn double Bright Engrams.
On that subject, Bright Engrams will be refreshed after every season. Emotes will be exclusive to seasons, so if you missed out on 6-Shooter or Spicy Ramen, they’re gone forever. In its place, a new emote, “Mic Drop,” was shown. I trust it’s self-explanatory, but if a gif (soft-g) appears, I’ll be sure to share it.

Shaders, on the other hand, will remain in the loot table throughout the Seasons, even as new ones are added.
They showed a new Dawning ship, which looked a Beyblade, but unfortunately, Deej says it’s for Season 3. A big gripe I had was with how few ships they are, and how many are reskins. So I’m pleased to see the sheer variety of wildly new designs Bungie’s put forth.
Sparrows, additionally, are getting new designs. Season 1 sparrows will be retired from the loot table, in favor of new Sparrows. Like the ships, they’re a huge upgrade, and look incredible.

Ghosts, too, aren’t just getting new designs, but also new body shapes. There were many spherical, crystalline and orb-like Ghosts. This is an entire new dimension of Ghost designs and they’re certainly unique. One had the universe reflected in a glowing shell, much like the material seen in The Third Spire. My favorite, in particular, was a Daft-punk inspired Ghost.

The Crucible is getting updated in Season 2, in the form of new maps. Season 2 will receive a new map as well, the live team promises. The Sandbox is getting an update, but Deej promises that balances will focus on introducing new weapons, rather than rebalancing existing weapons.
Clans will be able to earn new banner staffs, called ‘Staves,’ by engaging in Clarion Calls, each of which will be themed for the enemies fought for the achievement. Bungie promises that a new Stave will be available for each Season.
Bungie promises more info to come at Paris Gamescom, hopefully regarding the upcoming “Curse of Osiris” DLC. More likely though, we’ll see it in one of Bungie’s three planned Twitch streams.
Overall, Bungie offered compelling rewards for gamers who stick with Destiny 2. Those who are looking for new content should wait for word on the DLC, but the new rewards could be the spice the game needs to keep players invested.