In the weekly (and late) “This Week at Bungie” post, Deej summarized what E3 attendees can expect at Bungie’s E3 booth. Destiny 2 is a giant among the franchises that will appear in LA over the week.
“This week at Bungie, we’re California dreaming.
“In a couple of weeks, we’ll be at E3. We’ve lost track of how many times we’ve sent Bungie Away Teams to brave the crowd at the Los Angeles Convention Center. This year will mar the fifth time we’ve entered the fray with some Destiny stories to tell. It’s a journey that’s been very hard to believe but very easy to remember.”
Bungie details what gameplay will be available to E3 attendees.
Homecoming (Gameplay Mission)
The first mission in Destiny 2 starts with an attack on our home. The Red Legion of the Cabal empire arrives on our doorsteps with their sights set on the Traveler. Fight back! Show them what we’re made of and become that Guardian that Zavala never shuts up about.
Countdown (Crucible Match)
Enter the Crucible to experience the first ever attack and defend mode in Destiny. Work with your teammates to destroy two opposing targets of defend them if you’re on the other side. Choose your attack route carefully. You get only one life and limited revives for each round.
The Inverted Spire (Vanguard Strike)
Fireteam up with two other Guardians to enjoy some teamwork and safety in numbers, Travel to Nessus, a planetoid that has become an alien machine world. Descend through a Cabal drill site to infiltrate a Vex stronghold and take down a three-phase Strike boss.
They’ll additionally be showing off the Arcstrider Hunter subclass, which wasn’t available in the Destiny 2 reveal—across these activities.
We’ll be attending E3 2017, and you can get the latest on everything Destiny 2 at Dstreet.